How is it the end of Thursday already? Honestly this week just seems to have flown by!! Scary how fast it has gone. I don’t know what it is but everything just seems to be better whilst you are travelling. I was on an early today so done by 18:30 UK so after work to give Mum a bit of Mum time me and the Beef hot stepped it off to the Aldi. It is about 35 minute walk but with the Beef in tow in Sahara like conditions probably took about 40. I had the pleasure of an unexpected phone call from the Dodge this evening. Miss those guys down at A and E, it is funny because it feels like i speak more to them now i’m away than when i was there.

Annoyingly the signal dropped in Aldi and i called him back we were debating whether someone would buy a Cirrus without speaking to an actual human. This conversation was prompted by talking about the Pronto wind breaks and how many are being bought from the video we made for them. You can catch that video here! I was explaining about the value for the Pronto being in the demo.
It should our last full weekend off together for a little while this weekend as Lisa is working next Saturday which means that it is full time Daddy day care!! I call it baby sitting but people always point out it is not baby sitting when it is your own child. I’m not convinced that is the case. I’m pretty certain it is baby sitting. It always seem to spark a relatively unhealthy debate online when i use the phrase that phrase.