So, that’s it for me (RS) it’s as official as it can be until it is absolutely official. I have told my boss that I will not be coming back in January. I am not one for shying away from difficult conversations however this was one I didn’t enjoy. I was left without an option but I felt better after I had told him and as they say “The truth will set you free”. I was asked what stand I wanted to sell on at the NEC in February and I didn’t want to lead him on as I didn’t want to see A and E Leisure out of pocket. This backed me into a bit of a corner so my response was “Mate, I’m not coming back in January”. To be honest I should have been a bit clearer in the sense of I wont be back after the 9th December. But in the heat of the moment that was all I could muster.

Outside of that a pretty good day in terms of working on partnerships etc with a response from The Caravan and Motorhome Club and Jackery with loads more people to reach out too pretty content with the start. I suppose the visibility is key, I think that potentially this could be a 500k view project and that equates to 5 million impressions at 10% click through. So the potential for visibility is massive and it is just a case of helping companies to see our vision.
Well, this is day 1 of a dairy which I/ we will try and do everyday until we get back from our road trip. Even on the days where not much happens I will try and give an update on something to try and keep this as lifelike as possible.