Diary Entry – 31st March 2023

It’s Friday, i started work earlier today with it being the last day of the month which meant i could finish early. So 08:30 until 12:30 it was, everyone was heading down to the beach today so as soon as i was done i was going down there. It has been another scorcher of a day but as it approached 12:30 i put a can of beer in the freezer ready for the finish line. Annoyingly i needed to go the cash point at 12:30 to pay for some stuff we have had from site so in the baking heat me and the Beef headed out on the 20 minute stroll down to the cash machine.

After an uneventful tri0 down to the middle beach which had good waves today me, Gee and Alan spent about 20 minutes jumping the waves. It was such good fun, wave jumping is one of those things that never ever ever gets boring despite your age or gender. It was great and just nice to be having some nice time of the beach. This middle beach is probably one of the nicest beaches i have ever been on. Very little rubbish, lovely sand, ultra clear sea and super waves. They are brilliant but it is impressive how much you can feel the pull of the sea when the waves are going out, you can easily see how it can catch some people out. The best was one time when Gee was talking to me but i was about a metre Infront of him, as a wave came i jumped and for some reason he jumped as well but it was too early so as the wave reached him he was back standing up again and he got a face full of sea water and lost his hat which had been washed back to shore.. Pisser.

We have another couple to our little English Moroccan club. Ness and the lady offered to have the Wee Man for 5 minutes so Lisa could come to me in the sea. That has probably been one of the hardest things since we have been out here is literally never having a minute to relax or really shut off for a bit. Not having siblings or parents here and constantly being on parent duty, now i know a lot of you will say it should be easy as your abroad on a long holiday etc and i do appreciate that but i mean just having an afternoon to ourselves to have a sleep or go shopping. That is life i suppose, people will say enjoy whilst they are young before they grow etc. Perhaps i am being ungrateful but it would be nice to have an afternoon off together. Hopefully when we make it back to the UK whenever that is we should have relatives queueing up to baby sit. Have a great weekend all. Rich

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