Diary Entry – 22nd August 2023

Another day in the Moho and with the air con on. It is ok until about 9am when the sun rises above some tress in front of us then it is like BAM! A sauna so the air con goes on and all calm is resumed. Like I say Lisa absolutely hates the sun, well not the sun so much but the heat. Every time she moans about it I always say, come on then, lets head back to England to the rain and then that sort of levels her back out a bit.

To be fair we have enjoyed Luxembourg, although we have not seen a great deal of it, it is now somewhere we say we have been. The heat in Luxembourg city is something I will never ever forget. Once it gets to about 7pm we make our way out to the front of the Moho and try and get some fresh air. This is probably the Beefs favourite time of the day as he just sits there an people watches. If there is a car, he watches it, if there is people he watches them, if there is birds in the sky, he watches them. The best is when people walk past and if he is in his push chair or in his high chair he literally turns around completely and watches them walk off.

We have our next park up chosen and we are strangely enough going to head north west into Germany, it is another country i have not visited and neither has the Beef so that will be country 11 for him. We wont make the 12 in his first 12 months as i think Switzerland is a bit to far away. I am looking forward to the next one as it has got incredible ratings on P4N. Since we arrived in Europe last Sunday morning we have spent 40 euros on park ups and electric which so far equates to 4 euros a night and our next park up is a freebie as well. We have had electric every night apart from our first night in Luxembourg but that morning we were on it straight away. I reckon you do this really cheap if you knew the right places to go.

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