Diary Entry – 20th May 2024

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Welcome to todays diary entry! Today was the day that id been building up to! Today i was finally having a day off! A full day not having to do anything. Id made a commitment to myself that i was putting my PJs on last night and refusing to get out them until tomorrow morning. So id made the Moho as dark as possible, all widows closed i didn’t want to have anything to wake me up or disturb me. The thing that worried me the most was that i was terrified of waking up at something daft like 05:30 and not be able to get back to sleep again and waste my only proper lie in.

Beef catching some ZZZZs

The good news was that none us woke up until after 09:30 but that would be incredible if it wasn’t for the fact that Lisa started work at 09:00am so she was late starting. We all obviously needed it, i still felt shattered and i reckon i could have squeezed at another hour or so out of me but needs must so i was on toddler duty whilst Mum tried to get herself work ready as quickly as she could. It is strange how we never got disturbed by any of the usual noises that wake us up in the morning.

Last update on 2024-10-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Even the Beef slept well last night, his sleeping has been really poor recently as in waking up 2 or 3 time at least a night and either wanting a bottle or a dummy to get him back off to sleep. I honestly think this is the tiredest i have ever been in my life. You can tell that it is taking its toll on both of us. Still at 20 months old we have not had a single night away from the Beef and i think we may be due one soon. Not even to go out and let our hair down just to have a full nights sleep, undisturbed. Although once again i wouldn’t put it past me again in that situation to be awake at 5 or 6am.

My day off got cut short and i ended getting drafted in to helping the warehouse. Mondays are always a really busy day for them as they have to wrap, pick and pack all the orders from over the weekend and try and get them out. Think they have like 200 things to send out on a Monday. I couldn’t just sit by and watch them struggle so i launched myself back into the trenches to give them a hand. Days off are for wimps anyway… I only did 90 minutes then managed to get back into the motorhome for when Beef was just about to have a nap so i jumped on the back bed and popped Wonka on and we both fell asleep together and had 90 minutes together. Although he woke me up by sticking his finger right in my eye which woke me up very quickly indeed.

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  • Need a new Motorhome Awning? We’re brand Ambassadors for A&E Leisure. Before we went full time van life, Rich used to work there! He’s now an online Leisure Vehicle Specialist, so if there’s anything you need, he’ll be able to help! [sshh, he also can get you an A&E Leisure Discount code, let’s keep that between us ;)] Just drop us a message on Messenger or Email to get the conversation started.
  • Check out our Pre-Departure Motorhome Checklist to make sure things are plain sailing from the off!
  • You also have the Mega Motorhome Checklist for everything from the nuts and bolts, kitchen supplies and entertainment.
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