Diary Entry – 18th June 2024

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Welcome to todays diary entry! We had a right old laugh again today. I helped doing some stuff outside and i was using the jet wash. As you can imagine being an absolute idiot i liked spraying people when they were standing quite some distance away. Most people ran away but i would press it once so that Beef who was about 10 meters away would get really cool fine spray and then as i let of the button he would run towards me through the fine spray. He absolutely loved it!! That was, until, i had to carry back on with work and then the Beef was absolutely devastated that we couldn’t keep playing.

One Year Ago Throw Back!

Another really good day in the shop today again. I have made a conscious effort to try and get stuck into the shop and try and tidy it all up and rearrange some stuff to try and make some space in it for either something useful to sell or for absolutely nothing and just some much needed free space. It is just so hard with a relatively limited space to get as much out as you can to show people whilst not overly filling the shop and making it get cluttered. Especially when that is one of the things that me and the Dodge disagree on. There are not many but he likes ot have things available to pick and take in a mili second where as id rather it be in the warehouse and have a pristine showroom.

Last update on 2024-10-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

It is like everything i suppose but it is the Gaffers prerogative as to how the shop goes. I always try and sneak stuff back over then the warehouse sneak stuff back over. It is certainly looking better now we had a big change around at the front of the shop and rearranged the desks and moved some stuff away. The new customer services guy and Jon are now in one of the awnings meaning that front bit has lots of desks that are not needed currently. So we condensed everything down and rearranged the desk and had a big old tidy up. I used my Moho vanlife rules which was if it ain’t been used in 2 months it is gone. That then tends to bring out the “oh i need that” and the “dont throw that away” and when you ask them what it is and they i dont know. It goes in the bin.

The shop is certainly looking better than it has…. since last time i got my hands on it ha ha ha ha. Although because of the time of year it is difficult to try and get anything done because it is just so busy sometimes with live chat, phone calls and general people walking into the shop. SO i do understand it is not always possible and it has been less manic this week which does allow for others things to get done.

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