A tough day on the site, on the pitch we are on we get blasted by the sun until about 5 o’clock in the afternoon and by that point the thermostat in the camper is at 36 degrees. The wee man has struggled with it, Lisa has struggled with it and I always struggle with the heat. Marrakesh heat wise is on another level. Several days now it’s been 33+ and with minimal shade everything just bakes. It’s not helped by the flies and the fact that bugs seem to love biting Lisa.
He has spent the whole day just wearing his nappy
Because of the heat he hasn’t been sleeping, so he is grumpy and over tired. Then the over tired means he hasn’t been taking his bottles well. So it’s an absolute nightmare situation. We have been taking him down into the little bit of a jacuzzi thing where the water was a bit warm and that seemed to relax him a bit and calm him down.
Whilst we were in the jacuzzi we had decided to move on. There was no way any of the 3 of us could do another day here. So we headed to the camper to make a plan with our travelling buddies NESS and Gee. We decided to head to the coast and towards Essaouira which was about a 3 hour drive away. We weren’t really left with an option. So that was the decision made. To the coast it was!
Not good when you cant sleep its warmed up her a smashing 15 degrees coat iff weather lol 😆