Diary Entry – 12th July 2023

Finally manged to get onto a CalMac ferry today and we went from Portavadie to Tarbet. I will talk more about that after. This morning it just lashed it down all morning so they was only one thing for it. Swimming. They have a nice little spa retreat here for the people that are in accommodation. As we are on the park up we are 2nd rate citizens. Joking everyone has been brilliant here. But there is also a few infinity pools outside but they are closed. You will never guess why? Someone died in one of them a few weeks prior.

So the infinity ones were shut outside but the pools inside were open. It is so mcuh fun now tasking the beef swimming, now that he actually enjoys it and doesnt have a full scale meltdown. Well, i say that but by the time we are finished swimming he is always really tired so he has a bit of a moan. After swimming we walked 5 minutes from the spa to the area where you get the ferry from. Looking around at the ferry terminal it looked really nice, but there were not many people or many cars and that there is no way this ferry can be making any money. The trip one way if 30 odd minutes and there was 7 people paying 3 or 4 quid a time and it must cxost that in diesel.

We got the ferry over to tarbet and i don’t know what i was expecting but this wasn’t it, at all. I thought it would be a bit like St Mawes in Cornwall but it wasn’t. There was a little harbour and a few shops. I wouldn’t be bothered about going back again. There really isn’t much there. I needed to buy a gas spanner and found a shop that sold them. But when i got back it didn’t fit. We went to as cafe and it was wildly expensive. They are lucky i was hungry because otherwise we would of gone somewhere else. The service was crap and the food was very very average.

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