In the 12 months we have had the cmaper for we did something today that we have never done before!!! We locked the bloody keys in the camper. I was so annoyed…. And i didnt do anything different than what ihave always done before but this time it just decided that it was going to lock. And guess what? The spare keys that we have always kept out of the camper were in the camper because we had to use them the other day.

It was an absolute ball ache end to the day, we were just packing up to go and get some food and a drink from the bar as well. There is no way i was letting that get in the way of me having a pint so i just left the camper keys inside 30 minutes whilst i thought of a plan. The think was i knew where the keys were as id hidden them out of site so i just needed to find a way to extract them. After 15 minutes i finished my pint and went off to put my plan in to action.
The plan was simple, it was a case of unzipping the pop top and then trying to climb into the camper from the outside. The only thing is i didnt have a ladder so i tried ot use my step to get in. I couldnt get in one side and the other side has the sun canopy on it so i couldnt get in that side. I ended up haveing to ring the warden and get them to bring me a ladder so i could get higher to reach opver and get them out. All in all a total ball ache.