Diary Entry – 12th December 2024

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Welcome to todays diary entry! I have had such and an exciting day and despite me sitting in front of my computer screen for 7+ hours it was definitely worth it. Today we had the A and E Leisure ’25 strategy meeting. It was weird though because i was the only person who was working remotely and everyone else was in the room at the shop but i was still buzzing for it. When you don’t see people for ages you don’t half get excited to see them all again. Due to the nature of what we do, in the summer you spend the whole year literally trying to keep your head above water.

It tends to be that busy that you literally have no time to do anything but just get there and then tread water. So in the winter time although it then becomes a bit of a survival job of another type but it tends to be considerably quieter so it is the only real time that you can afford to do any sort of planning and trying to make real improvements. We are having a new system being built over this winter so that is taking up a lot of our time at the moment but that should make us so much more efficient.

Last update on 2025-01-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

There is a lady there who is from South Africa and she works so hard and in the summer she literally works from 06:30 until 18:30 Monday to Friday and then often logs on from home and stuff like that and this system is going to make her life so much easier. Will literally cut her time in half i bet by having everything in one system then with that everyone should be more efficient soi twill be a large investment of both time and money but man it should make a huge huge difference in how quickly we can operate. By being more efficient should hopefully mean we can make a few more pennies.

So i am really looking forward to getting back and getting stuck into the new year. Think we should be back in the first couple of weeks of Aril ready to absolutely rock and roll and ready for our first show of the year which should be a new show we are doing at Blakemere Touring Park. We have so many amazing plans for next year and hoping to continue to grow the brand as much as possible both instore and online. I have always made sure i have enjoyed my work but i can honestly say that i absolutely love the industry that i work in.

Check out these fab resources designed to make your motorhome adventures a breeze ⬇️

  • Need a new Motorhome Awning? We’re brand Ambassadors for A&E Leisure. Before we went full time van life, Rich used to work there! He’s now an online Leisure Vehicle Specialist, so if there’s anything you need, he’ll be able to help! [sshh, he also can get you an A&E Leisure Discount code, let’s keep that between us ;)] Just drop us a message on Messenger or Email to get the conversation started.
  • Check out our Pre-Departure Motorhome Checklist to make sure things are plain sailing from the off!
  • You also have the Mega Motorhome Checklist for everything from the nuts and bolts, kitchen supplies and entertainment.
  • Like to document and journal your travels? We have scoured the web for the best Road Trip Journals for Motorhome and Caravan Lovers.

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