Diary Entry – 04th February 2025

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Welcome to todays diary entry! When we arrived here the other day we decided that we were going to stay here until Wednesday morning and then drive to the port then. This idea despite my anxiety was cemented by the fact that for some reason the fridge has decided to stop working on gas so we couldn’t really drive to Santander as any food in the fridge would defrost etc. Although i thought to myself any food that is left over anyway will defrost once it is on the boat anyway so actually i could appease my travel anxiety by just getting to Santander today instead of leaving it to the last minute.

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The thought of leaving it to the absolute last minute like that gives me the real heeby jeebies and i just couldn’t do that comfortably knowing that any error with anything would result in us missing the ferry. SO i was relieved when i managed to talk Mum around so we packed up the little stuff we had out and packed it up. The other motivation was the fact the tumble dryer on the campsite wasn’t very good either so we planned to head to our favorite park up by the University in Santander and then walk tot he launderette up the hill. The hill which felt like walking up Snowdon with 32 tons of washing.

Last update on 2025-03-14 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

It was about 170 miles from where we were staying to Santander and the weather where we were was still stuck in that bubble of cold air where as Santander was sunny and was in double figures so once we knew that then it was all systems go and we set straight off pretty much. The drive to Santander was amazing as just as the cloud started to clear you could see the snow capped mountains in the distance. Once we got the our favorite park up i was quite suprised to see how quiet it was. It was definitely the quietest i have ever seen it. We managed to get the spot right down the bottom so you only have 1 neighbor and your door looks out into some grass and some bushes etc and it not packed in like the other spots so i was really chuffed with that.

Whilst we were waiting for the washing there was a little pub next door which sold Stella so we stopped in there waiting for it to be completed and enjoyed a couple of Belgian delights and once again the absolute joy of paying £3 a pint whereas in about 72 hours it will be nearly £5 a pint. Another reason why i am so keen to move out of the country! We are now 203 miles (tarmac miles) away from being back in Northwich and for another year the great march North will be complete!

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