Diary Entry – 09th November 2023

Today hadn’t started the way i had expected it to. I’d informed my current employer last Friday that i was handing in my notice and that i was going to work the weeks notice. I’d worked Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as normal and then for some reason when i tried to log on on Thursday morning they had cut me off my system. And just like that i was on gardening leave. It came as a bit of a shock, why not doing it earlier this week, why work for 3 days. I understand about system security etc but if the concern was that great you’d have thought they would have done it last week.

I wont have a bad word said about them though and i will be eternally grateful to them for allowing me the opportunity to work remotely when no one else would. It would have made it extremely difficult for us to have gotten by without that work in the interim period. An opportunity arose with more money so i couldn’t really afford to turn it down. So i was probably one of the only people ever in the history of gardening leave to use for exactly that. I’d bought my pump for the awning last night so i had everything i needed to get the pitch set up 100% with the awning up as well. I did a time lapse of the awning getting set up which you can watch that here.

We managed to get to another taxi into another shop where you can buy booze from as well. It is called the Uni Prix and it is not really a supermarket more of a bazaar that sells booze. We bought enough premium strength lager to sink a small army and i also bought myself a couple of real life genuine 100% authentic Stone Island t-shirts for about £10 each. The guy assured me they were real and to be fair he looked like a real straight shooter. I also ended up getting collared for a base ball cap and some sun glasses whilst we were waiting for the taxi by a guy selling such delights. I am interested to see the quality of the t-shirts because they have quite a lot of nice stuff in there so if they last a few washes i may be back in there an pick up a couple of t-shirts every time i go in. Although i had to buy a XXL which is why I’m on a diet.

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