After work today we got a taxi up to the big Carrefour in Agadir. We needed to go there for 2 reasons really, the first one is that we wanted to do a big supermarket shop. The little shops here are great for fresh things like fruit veg and chicken but we wanted to get some steak and maybe some other bits. The one thing they are not great for is for frozen stuff. Like over chips or smiley faces, waffles and so on. I finished work at 18:30 Morocco time so we jumped straight in a taxi which ended up taking about 45 minutes.

The worst thing about it was the fact that i was sitting in the back with Mum and the Beef and i am a really bad traveller especially in the back and especially during Moroccan rush hour where it is just chaos. So by the time we got there i was opaque and sweating and desperate to get out of the car as quickly as i could. I literally jumped out at the earliest opportunity. I’d made it however and avoided being sick which was a positive. The taxi driver drops us off and then they wait on the car park for you so you don’t have to worry about trying to get one back to the camp site.
There were 2 things on my hit list from the shops whilst we were here. The first one was in Decathlon and we bought a pump for the awning and some running shorts for me and a kettle bell for Mum. We are both trying to lose some weight before Xmas. I was wanting to run and Mum who doesn’t like running wanted to do some HIIT. The 2nd thing on the list was booze and this was the closest supermarket that had a Cave so we couldn’t wait to get in and have a look about. As soon as we got into the Carrefour i headed straight for the cave to find that is was shut. Which was an absolute pain as it meant we were going to have get to another supermarket if we wanted some cans for back at camp. I thoroughly enjoyed this trip and it was a little bit like super market sweep and we just put everything in the trolly that we wanted without worrying about the total cost. The receipt was about 2 metres long. But we have one fully stocked camper now.