Diary Entry – 7th December 2022

Jesus christ it is so so so cold this week, minus 5 when I got into the van to get to work. Spent the first 2 odd hours stuck in the warehouse moving shite around, spent the whole time thinking I am glad I am not homeless, and wondering if I was homeless where would I sleep.

Thought about being homeless near a caravan shop and staying in a awning but thought they would not be too happy about it.
Rich B is off at work again, annoying as he was off yesterday and it is his day off on Thursday so a 2 day week, I really get my hair off with absence it is one of things for me which really makes me judge someone.

I cannot remember the last time I had a day off sick, the point for me is I am going to feel like shit anyway so why would I lie in bed, on my own, id rather to doing something.

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