Diary Entry – 31st July 2023

That’s it! It is official, we are going back abroad on Sunday. I said last week i would do this as the warehouse guy is off and to help settle things down from the show. The shows actually take up so much brain power to set up but there is also a whole load of stuff to do after them as well. Filling out order forms and putting all the stuff on the system making sure receipts tally up and everything matches. I do not envy the Dodge or Jen/ Gina (i just wouldn’t ask). They send pitcures sometimes of whole kitchen floors full or order forms and trying to cross the t’s and dot the i’s. It must be such a laborious task.

My job for the week was to steady the ship and to try and keep on top of the warehouse and to try and tidy up a bit. I also want to ttry and get some of the demo’s checked and sent out if i can. The main thing is to not mess anything and not to kill anyone whilst using the machinery. I am not a warehouse type person. I have always worked hard but not in a manual labour kind of way. More of at a desk kind of way. Hence having no calluses on my hands etc. But like anything i am going to live and breath the warehouses for the next week. There is also a new lad who is doing a bit of work in the summer before he goes to college so i have been trying to teach him some valuable life lessons.

One of said messages, which someone gave to me when i was young. He said to me, if you want to be successful at anything in the work place or anything in general the most important thing to remember is “to not be a dick”. I have endeavoured to try not to be and i think i have done a good enough job at it. It is nice that in 20 or 30 years time he will be able to pass that piece of advice on to some one else. To be fair he is doing A level maths so he probably wont be passing on pieces of advice to someone in a warehouse i wouldn’t have thought.

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