Diary Entry – 30th June 2023

Made the fatal mistake last night of not packing the awning away ready for todays move and instead heading off to the pub. The weather last night was beautiful and i thought to myslef lets get it done now instead of tomorrow but id didnt. And it is lashing it down and we had to be off by noon and that meant packing away all the stuff in the rain. It was a total faff. The awning was absolutely drenched, i was drenched the camper was full of stuff so i had to drive the camper to the pitch with the pop top up so Lisa and the Beef had somewhere dry to sit whilst i packed the last of the awning away.

Once it was collapsed i had to call one of the wardens over to throw it in one of the boots of the vans so i didn’t have to carry it on my own. Honestly. I should have done it yesterday. I could have been sitting in my awning dry as a bone and having a brew. Instead i’m wrestling a 33kg poly cotton beast in the pouring rain. I am looking forward to getting round there though as i have bought a couple of accessories that i am looking forward to trying out. Nothing to exciting but things that when we are travelling if we are going to utilise the awning we will definitely need. Once is a splitter for the electric so we can have 2 cables coming from the power socket and the other is a 15 metre cable with an extension on the end of it. My theory being that when we are away i can still have separate power going into the awning and not having to worry about not having an external power point on the Moho or about having a cable running straight from the inside of the moho.

Knowing what we are doing this year will definitely help us with how we want to spend the months. I think i have mentioned before that the awning is coming with us and we wont use it as a drive away awning as it wont fit the Moho but it is a decent enough size so will be our utility room/ kitchen/ changing room. We thought about using it as a toilet area as well but we will just make sure in Agadir we set up close to the toilet blocks. There are 2 blocks where we are going and we want to be near the other ones as they have a taps on the showers instead of that timed thing that they where you have to keep pressing them over and over again. That drives me barmy that does. SO we wont be making that mistake again.

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