Diary Entry – 29th March 2023

A decision was made about 5am this morning that we would move today, but not after work before work. SO that meant me getting straight up at that time and doing my usual chores. However, todays chores including packing down our drive away awning and cleaning our whole camp, toilets etc etc. The works. I had set a time limit of leaving by 08:30am so we had enough time to get to the new site. The drive was only 20 minutes but I would need to get as much of a basic camp set up as i could so we had things like the sun canopy out and the table etc. I can get the camp down quick now as well, I set the bench mark when we left the place that was rammed full of flies and stuff. To be fair we were ready to go for 08:30 but the site reception wasn’t open yet which was annoying but we got here and paid our money and were on the road by 08:45. The camp we are heading to is owned by the same people, in fact there are 3 of them. The one we stayed at, one at the bottom of the road which for some reason wasn’t open this year. We were trying to work out how much it would cost to buy it ha ha but maybe out of our price range for now and the one we were headed to Camping Atlantic Immoudar. It is lovely, it is in a place called Taghazout which is just north of Agadir.

There were a few reason why this place appealed to us. Firstly, it was in a bit of a town with highly recommended restaurants at the top. A Chinese one, pizza place, a butchers that does bacon and ham, a barbers. Also if you wanted to there is the town of Agadir a small taxi ride away. There is a 5km promenade across the beach front, plenty of beach bars as well. Then there are 3 beaches to choose from, the one in the picture above is a small beach in-between 2 much Biggers ones. It is our favourite beach in a little cove, it is absolutely stunning. On the top of the hill overlooking the beached is another small gathering of beach restaurants.

After a small domestic about which pitch offered the most shade we got set up and started the process of unpacking the camper as quickly as possible. I decided to not put the drive away awning up as i thought we can utilise the space in the camper better now. Also, i have zero intention of moving the camper now for a little while so could sort clothes out etc. We all decided to go for a Chinese for tea considering we have not had anything remotely oriental since we left. It was really really nice, it must have been packed with MSG as well drank 1.5 litres of water each through the night. I think we plan on staying here for the whole of April then making our way to La Relais again for a week or 2 then getting the ferry over the straight and back into the Schengen. I could do with using a calculator really to see what our day will be looking ay count is looking like so we can start planning out next few countries etc. I have an idea on what i would like to do but it is just trying to work out the logistics.

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