Diary Entry – 29th June 2023

Had a lovely weather day today, so nice i have decided to leave the move until tomorrow just want to enjoy last of this nice sunshine so we opted to head to the Wee Howf for some beverages. We have had a relatively quiet day today. Not ventured off site but just kept ourselves ticking over. It has been so warm and nice today the weather has been so so so nice since we returned. It is mad to think we have been back for a month already. How quick has that gone?it is scary really how quick the time goes. I am just ithcing to get back away and get moving again.

We have spoken a lot of being stuck here and i think it is almost like a plaster that you need to rip off and set a date to leave and then go. We are currently trying to work that date out so we can get something booked and start making plans. It is the no mans land that bogs you down. You cannot prepare for anything you cannot book anything it is just this paralysis of nothingness. It is so frustrating and it does get you down. Well, it has certainly gotten me down this has probably been one of my toughest times for mental health really. I have just felt that there is so much going on at the moment which will come to light soon no doubt but in the mean time i just feel like i have so many things bogging me down and i suppose in a way getting away again will help me mentally and physically escape them.

Well we have our next few weeks planned anyway, Blakemere until the 5th July and until the 9th and then a night on A and E forecourt night of the 9th then off to Scotland for a few days dependant on what happens with the moho. But at least i have a bit of clarity and then the plan is be on our way end of July begiining of August. Van life in our vehicle is just too challenging in our when we cannot guarantee the weather which europe will allow us to do. SO that is it, the line in the sand, moho or no moho, beginning of ugust we are on the road again. No ifs, no buts, nothing will change it now. The decision is made and the decision is final

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