The doors opened at 14:00 for early bird entry for people this show is roughly about 1/5 of the size of camper jam so i am a bit apprehensive about how we are going to do. Also, not only that, we are ultra concerned about the weather. Another thing i am mindful of is that we are not in the main trading area. The main trading area is in the arena. We are to the side of that because our trading space is so big. We did ok for the rain today to be fair, it was garbage this morning and the ground started to swamp so we put some cardboard down because i didn’t want it to end up like the Somme. We have a full squad for the first couple of days but Dodge’s girls are going back with Jen. So this is there last night, to be fair they have been very well behaved and they have kept the Beef on track as well.

The one thing he likes more than dogs is other children and with him being so nosey the moment he sees someone under the age of 5 he cannot stop staring at them. And clapping them at Dubbed Out. It was a little bit quiet today for customers so i sent Lisa and the Beef off in the Outwell Cancun Transporter to drum up some business. I think today people are just getting set up and getting there camps together. But like i say it was rather quiet. When it starts slow you start thinking the worse. Our set up has doubled probably from Camper Jam and it needs to make sure that is washes its face.
We had a really really nice evening tonight. Us 3, Dodge, Jen/ Gina (still dont ask) and there 2 girls went into the arena part to take the kids onto the fair and to go for a drink. It was nice to be around, and be out with another family. We have still not had a night off yet from the Beef, everything we have done we have included him and he has been a part of it. Which is nice but i would absolutely love a night where there are not any interruptions. Despite him being a good sleeper he still stirs and makes noises and you never really truly settle. But it was nice to go out and do family things. Well, away from family. When we were away there was not anyone that had kids the Beefs age or close really. SO looking forward ot him getting older and have wee pals.