Diary Entry – 26th October 2023

Firstly, i woke up this morning feeling a million times better than i did yesterday. I think getting my head down and resting up a bit was definitely the right thing to do. When we went to sleep last night we didn’t set and alarm because “we have a one year old who will wake us up”. The challenge being that he had a crap nights sleep so we all ended up sleeping in until 9am. We woke before he did and we wanted to try and get the 1pm ferry but that said it had a check in time of 2 hours so chances were we were going to miss that one. So when we woke we had a panic pack away to get on the road as quickly as we possibly could.

We spent most of the 2 hours looking at alternative sailings. As we got to the ticket office we manged to sneak on the original ferry we originally wanted so this should drop us off at Tangier Med port for 13:30 so we had plenty of time to make it to Mohammedia and L’Ocean Blue. For whatever reason we didn’t get off the boat till 15:30 and that had us on the back foot right away. So we rushed through to get insurance, rushed through to get sim card and cash. I have one rule about driving in Morocco and it is never to drive at night.

The drivers are bad enough in the day let alone at night. That rule had to go out of the window as we had to get to the site. The good news was that we arrived safely about 8ish. We got to see the lovely owners who have always been so nice to us and they bought us water etc over so we could have something to drink. Its is perfect positioned in the middle of the drive between Tangier Med and Agadir and it is somewhere we know. But good grief it felt very very good to be back!

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