Diary Entry – 25th March 2023

Today we had the pleasure of exploring the Agadir cable car and the old Agadir Casbah.

I have to admit, as someone who’s afraid of heights, I was a bit nervous about riding the cable car. But once I was inside and the car began to move, i did feel a bit more at ease. The view from up there was absolutely stunning. I felt like I could see the entire city from above!

After the cable car ride, I made my way to the old Agadir Casbah. This ancient fortress on the hill was like stepping back in time. The history and character of the place was palpable, and I couldn’t help but imagine what life was like for the people who lived there centuries ago. Of course, Lisa had a photo with a 3 week old goat, because who can resist a photo opportunity like that?

Overall, we had a nice time. I was hoping that there was more to do at the old casbah than what there was. The view was one that I’ll never forget. I would recommend the cable car and the casbah to anyone who wants to see a different side of Agadir.

As we had been on site since Sunday it was very nice to have a day out. After the excitement of the cable car and of the casbah we headed to McDonalds to get something to eat, id missed breakfast last few days and had done the same today so I was really looking forward to this. I had a Chicken Big Tasty, i adore those things. Next stop was the Supermarket, this unfortunately is where things took a turn for the worse as it is the holy month of Ramadan we were greeted by something which caused panic in all of us….. Lacave is closed and probably for the month. The Cave as it is affectionately known is the section in Carrefours where you buy alchohol from.

The drive from Agadir to where we are staying is a really nice one, through winding roads on the rugged North Atlantic ocean. There are hundreds of beaches around each bend. I think we are going to try and have a beach day tomorrow. The plan will be tonight and tomorrow morning to catch up on all editing , diary entries and any other bits that need doing so we can have a technology free day. I have tried to catch up loads but never seem to be able to get all the way caught up but I am going to make a conscious effort to do it.

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