Woke up at 3am by the Wee man I instantly worried thinking it was the cold but he was hungry so scoffed a bonus bottle! The camper was actually really warm we have a really good electric heater from Outdoor Revolution do we had no issues with heat which was a relief. It was wild how much the sun changes the temperature outside. I was in shorts as usual. Still going strong on my European trouser boycott. We fed Rory, we had a plan. Breakfast then sort out window! Simple!
Lisa being attended to before the ambulance arrived
On the way to breakfast Lisa wanted to try and get some contact lenses as she hates wearing glasses. We tried 3 or 4 before entering the last one as no joy in any of the others. We walked in Lisa missed a step tripped tried to stay on her feet on smashed her face into the desk. Blood every where! Ambulance on the way. Utter chaos. She gets taken off to A and E. daddy daycare begins. Another Portuguese nightmare.
She was about 5 hours before she returned prescription in hand. So 1 trip to A and E and still no closer to sorting wind screen. Our plan for the day has been postponed. Ultimately the health and well being of everyone takes priority. So I am currently looking after her with beer and a pizza. Weather is still nice, still going, we will keep plodding on. It’s not all bad. Night all. Rich
Good Night … bless all three of you .
I have so much love for you all
Mum ❤️xx
Thank you Mum xx
What a nightmare. I bet Lisa is in a lot of pain. I think i would move out of that country quickly it’s not been good for you at all. Hope tomorrow is better xx
Better day thank you, I was starting to think Portugal is cursed x