Diary Entry – 24th March 2023

A diary entry from Lisa today! Today was another early start, really starting to enjoy getting up at 6:30 am ish, it’s still nice and cool and you can get jobs done before it gets too hot. During the day it’s been 30 degrees in the shade which is crazy!

I’ve been using the early morning starts to take the beef on a walk with Rich, getting 5k in before most of the campsite is awake! Today however I had a big deadline to meet for our top secret announcement we are making at the end of the month…watch this space. I was hoping to be finished by the time Rich started work, but alas everything took longer than expected so after he was done with work I was back at. By 10pm I was done and shattered. I managed to squeeze in the 5k just gone 11am, in a massive shaded area at the top of the camp site, it meant a very boring 5k but it was the only way to get the steps in.

The worst thing about today was the fact the onsite bakery and restaurant were closed for Ramadan. We need to get a shop in which we’re doing tomorrow and our supplies are running low. I was going to get a tomato and mozzarella salad for me whilst feeding the wee man then get a take away pizza for Dickie but everything was shut. I was pretty hangry, and being hangry in the heat is not a good combo, a Bounty bar and a snack pack of Oreos got me over it! In the end we skipped lunch and Dickie made some fab pizza’s on our Cadac Pizza Stone for dinner. This thing is the business, the flavour it gives the pizza base is unreal, a must if you have a Cadac.

That’s all from me for today, looking forward to going to the shops tomorrow, oh and a cable ride too, forgot we are doing that! xx Lisa

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