Well, that’s a wrap folks, MOT has been passed and the guy in the garage said “theres not much wrong with that van” that is good enough for me. All eyes on the 2nd January and we.are.off!! Such a stressful week and so busy, but can finally settle tomorrow, been to my Nans today to get the stuff we have ordered from Amazon, all i can think about is where the hell are we going to put it all?! Done 70 odd miles today with the storage box and i am becoming increasingly confident with it on the back. I just need to not do more than 60mph with it on.

Went to Stoke today to get some stuff from me Nans, the wee man has had a disrupted sleep or 2 today and had a couple of those moments where he makes literally blood curdling noise that must resemble to killing of wild boars. Then within 2 minutes coo’ing and gargling. I suffer the most outrageous spectrums of emotions, going from feeling the most proudest Dad in the world when he is all cute to suffering from chronic anxiety when he seems unsettled. But i suppose that is parenting.
Christmas Eve tomorrow, we launched the “we quit” tonight and it has done well, the premiere has been a success which has pacified me somewhat, had horrible feelings that people would not show up and it would be me and Lisa but was a success. I would consider doing one again and i guess that is the point. If you have not seen it you can catch it here – https://youtu.be/aDi27SnkHCI All in all a very good day, but eyes now move onto the 12+ videos we have planned to allow us enough time to get ahead of our trip content. But all is good! a 10 out of 10 day.