Diary Entry – 22nd October 2023

My feet are so so so sore, i cannot stress enough how challenging working this show has been physically and mentally as well to be fair. Certainly the physical element is the most painful. We have spent the last 2 nights on the car park here as we have ended up in Wetherspoons after. We are going back to the site tonight though and i am looking forward to have electric and having enough juice in the batteries to fire up the diesel heater. I will come back to that later though. Since the first day i have wore trainers and it still hasn’t made any difference to how sore my soles are. To be honest, I will never work another one, it is just too much especially with the Beef in tow. So this is my swansong.

Had a record day on the stand today and 3rd day on the trot where i have beaten the previous days numbers. So we will do ok in the end it is just a shame that Wednesday was so slow. That is sales thought to be honest, and life. The worst thing of all was that when the Dodge paid for me to work the stand here he also has to pay and extra £350 up front to ensure people stay and pack down at the end so it wasn’t like i could finish at 6pm but was there in the end until 8pm’ish packing away and stuff. So i was literally dying on my feet.

After i had left the stand the most fitting, incredible end to the week was some people we bumped into in the foyer. When we first set off in January this year we literally spent hours and hours watching John and Mandy and there road trip and that formed the very foundations of our trip and what we wanted to try and achieve. We absolutely love those guys and Lisa speaks to Mandy a little on Insta and for the 2nd time this week she bumped into Lisa. More importantly the Beef so on the way out we bumped into John, Mandy and Tash from Life Beyond Bricks. A perfect end to a very busy week. Also, a fitting start to our new adventure coming up in the next few days.

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