Diary Entry – 22nd May 2023

This morning started out with a laugh. Dickie was going out to see the people he’s been working remotely for, so he had to go out to the awning to get a pair of jeans (first time he’s wore full length trousers since leaving the UK 😲) He pulls out one of the Ikea boxes from the unit and a mouse jumped out at him 🤣 he made a little yelp (I didn’t hear it) and ran back in, made me go out and fetch them. I took big green with me to poke and prod the boxes but if I had saw a mouse you would have heard me in Glasgow. They give me the heebeejeebees 🤭

For me today was a day for getting jobs done in the Caravan ready for the MoHo trade in. The Caravan is going to go back the middle of June so we have just over 3 weeks to get our Caravan and Awning clear of everything we are not putting in the MoHo! I managed to make a good dent in it, when daddy got home I had 4 big bags of rubbish and some items that were straight for the bin and not sell on marketplace bits. Still have 2 big washings to get done but at least that was a start.

We headed up to A&E Leisure to see Rog and the gang before they shut for the day. Rory got to try out the cracking baby Isabella camping chair, how sweet does he look? He’s defo getting one! It was nice to see everyone, and also get a nosy around at things we *might* need for the MoHo 😆 We’ve been eyeing up the Isabella chairs with the foot stools. Having a garage on the MoHo gives us sooooo much space, though I’m not wanting to go overboard, still want to be able to get to stuff easy! If you have any must haves let us know!

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