Diary Entry – 20th November 2023

We are nearly entering our 4 month in Morocco this calendar year and the really funny thing is that if you would have said that to me 12 months ago i would never have believed it. In fact, this year we will end up doing just shy of 6 months in Morocco. I have been wondering what we will do next winter and Morocco does look like it will probably be the place we choose again. There literally isn’t anywhere else you can go and get decent weather. The weather in Turkey in winter is absolutely abysmal. So cannot really go there but i do like the thought of actually seeing a lot more of the place. My new job is not so heavily dependant on data usage so i am hoping that by doing a few test runs that i can literally work from anywhere whether i have Wifi or not.

To think that we have nearly been here a month already is in itself quite crazy. The time just literally flies and the time that we have spent here already, with that again it will be Christmas. I am not sure how i will feel about Christmas as it will be the first year that i have never seen any of my family at Christmas, obviously i will Facetime my Mum and things like that but to not physically see them will be a bit tough. Especially from a self confessed Mummies boy. This will be made slightly easier by the fact that the Beef is still a bit to young to understand the whole Christmas thing and i am looking forward to doing a load of Motorhome traditions with him along the way.

The wind yesterday was pretty wild. The first time in weeks that we have had to pull the sun canopy in. Whilst i was working i could hear the wind slapping the canvas against the metal poles so “if in doubt, don’t leave it out”. I have been very lucky with the wind so and only had to pull it in a couple of times. I have storm straps and the legs are pegged into the ground so it is not the frame i worry about it is the material getting pulled off the roll. Ken and Jack-EH had there roof material changed last years as they got one of the people to make them a safari tent. So i know i could get it replaced it is just another faff. Mum is trying to get hold of the onsite painter to see if they can paint inside the motorhome. I hope they cannot, sounds like money to me.

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