Diary Entry – 20th May 2023

We made it!! Fortunately just before the barrier at the campsite closed at 10pm so just the 14 hours driving today to get us home. I am so drained driving is one of those things which despite not moving or anything the constant concentration doesn’t half take it out of you. We set off last Friday and made it from South Morocco to North West England on Saturday. That is also working full time which is some going. To be fair there was a reason i was so keen to get back tonight and having free tomorrow. I have had my eyes on something but there is no images yet so I wanted to ideally see it before anyone else does and before anyone else can snare it from under our noses.

SO we spoke to the dealer today and they have advised that the pictures will be up later. We obviously asked him to let us know once it was up etc. Which he did to be fair and all this was whilst driving in France. Once we had seen the pictures the guy at the dealer advised us that someone was due to go and see it tomorrow but we were not prepared to take the risk and we reserved it online. Fortunately they don’t ask for a deposit. So my expected day off tomorrow was not going to be that anymore.

Once thing that never ceases to amaze me is the Channel Tunnel, that is amazing! Once we had pulled on the train i wound the window down and rested my head on my coat to act as a cushion so I could try and get a power nap. I literally had only just fell asleep and boom we were disembarking. It is so so so quick. I think from now that is my preferred travel option. The ferry to France (St Malo) was nice but once again it is a long time and although not too bad over night my previous experience on it was pretty grim and it is no secret, especially people that have read this for a while. I do not have sea legs at all.

It was nice to be back in England and within 30 minutes of being on the road we got stuck in a traffic jam. This I hadn’t missed.

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