Today was supposed to be a productive day but after the wee man woke this morning and squawked early doors and he went back to sleep we got another hour as well, so that was 8 straight hours and then another hour. So didn’t get out of bed until 10am ish. Then it should have been film the elusive “We Quit” video for YouTube so we could get it premiered ready for Friday. Safe to say that at 21:00 the video has not even been recorded slightly yet. So i am going to try and get Lisa to film it tonight so i can edit at least whilst getting the van serviced tomorrow but we will see what happens. I wont hold my breath.

By the time i have tried to tackle the awning swamp, emptied the cassette, filled the aqua rolls etc etc it was gone 2. He woke to be fed, then showers etc, time soon runs away from you. Then we start filming and he wakes, then i needed to film some car stuff and then chinese food ordered then boom, the whole day is gone. I suppose this was the only day we didn’t have anything planned so could have done with stuff being done. But it is what it is.
Early, early start tomorrow to the bustling metropolis that is Crewe for service, £200 gone, but all eyes on Wednesday for completion date and then time to get really excited. There has been no sign of any issues today with anything so that is all good news. I have put together a little video for the first 90 days which looks sweet going to release that Saturday as a short i think. We also did some social media stuff as well on a couple of pages to build a bit of a conversation point and have we now have 2 people in the official Only Vans FB page. So it begins….