Diary Entry – 18th February 2023

Probably one of the worst sleeps i have had since we have been away, the wind is like nothing i have ever experienced. You hear the gusts about 20 seconds before they get to you, and the howl is mad!! Had a morning of doing bits of jobs, finished editing a video, had a good shower. We have had some stuff delivered to site from Amazon of which one of the things is a electric shaver, my beard is getting a bit too much now. Lisa loves it mind so may have to keep it! I look a bit like Hagred from Harry Potter. I have spent the morning on pins with the wind and worrying about it blowing the awning away. I had to lower the pop top at 4am because it was absolutely mental.

As it was Saturday and as id finished editing the video i thought i would treat myself to an afternoon in the sports bar to watch the results come in with Lisa and Rory. Lucky them! Id had the left over pizza for my breakfast and id ordered pizza for my dinner washed down with a couple of Sam Miguel’s. We stayed in there till about 6 o’clock. I said to Lisa, lets go and give the onsite bar a try as it was Saturday night. Still the same experience as before it was very quiet and it just felt unaccommodating. Rory was having a melt down but because the people were not very nice i didn’t feel the same pressure to leave the room or whatever. The people in the bar were looking at me like id just smashed a window. A lovely woman came out from the kitchen and took him off me and lay him face down and he stopped crying straight away. Its little things like that that go a long way. We are not difficult people to please, far from it.

Perhaps if the weather was nicer, perhaps we are being harsh because its like a hurricane outside still. We went to the beach yesterday and it was that windy the wind was blasting the sand at your legs and hurting your legs. I have checked the weather about a million times trying to find out when the wind eases up. Tuesday is the answer to that question which annoyingly is the day we head to the rock. We seem to following the bad weather around. Hopefully get some proper sun in Morocco. I am very much looking forward to that! It will be a real adventure. We are due to meet a man called Carlos who is the ticket guy but he can get you open ended return tickets so we have a months worth of comprehensive insurance. So if we are enjoying it and having a good time we can always get another month. I am proper proper excited.

2 thoughts on “Diary Entry – 18th February 2023”

  1. I so admire you on this wonderful adventure. Especially with a young baby. He wont physically remember it, of course. But will be amazed by the photos and videos when he is old enough to understand. I wish you all good things and safe travels.
    I look forward to seeing more of your escapades. Xx

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