Kenny’s Laura has Covid, Bob’s is unwell still, my Mum has tonsillitis, im ill, so Gemma made the unfortunate decision to tin off todays meal, which to be fair i was relatively happy about. Just meant we had to drive down anyway to pick up our treats from Jackery!! I couldn’t wait to get them, tried them on the bottle machine and the draw from the bottle machine is too great for the Jackery. NIGHTMARE!! It doesn’t make much difference mind we can still make bottles in other ways however in my mind i had the Jackeery doing it. I suppose the thing is eased by the fact he is sleeping right through the night now.

Really chuffed with the Jackery stuff looks quality and definitely on brand. Here is our stuff – We have also started our Mult.Dev schedule ( is what we use to showcase our route and stuff like. Looks very good. Things are definitely coming together now. Filming for the video starts tomorrow so we can upload and schedule and set the premiere up for Friday at 7pm hopefully it does well and sets the momentum off, then we can film the other bank of videos which we will schedule out over January to give us a month head start for actual road trip content.
We have such a busy week this week, Monday filming, Tuesday van service, Wednesday back to Trafford Cnetre and should be money day. Thursday A&E to have stuff fitted on the back of camper, Friday MOT, Saturday Christmas Eve, SUnday Christmas day, Monday Boxing day, Tuesday is still BH. So anything we need to order has to be done by this week really to hopefully have everything we need to set off on the 2nd January to Devon. Very very stressful and busy!!