I felt like shit on Friday and because of this i went to bed at about 8pm and didn’t write this, so i write on Sunday afternoon and me and Lisa spent about 5 minutes trying to remember what we did on Friday. Remembered in the end. Jesus. We went to the Trafford Centre to get the vans welt belt checked over in the Trafford Centre this was a mighty jaunt. We got there about 10am so i was chuffed that we got there early. The woman who worked behind the counter said that it could be anytime before 5, so that meant killing a full day. Lisa was not happy.

The Trafford Centre has heaving, i hate places like that when they are busy. A real nightmare, walked around millions of places trying to find somewhere to have a cup of coffee and ended up the Wetherspoons, if i remember correctly it was called the “Mardi Gras”. I did a Trip Advisor on my phone, that is going to be my thing as well, when ever we eat in places leave them a good or bad Trip Advisor. Link for said trip advisor is here – http://bit.ly/3W9HXrZ
There is only so much time we can spend walking in the TC so had a steady walk back to the Transit Centre to get given the verdict on the van. The good news is that the Wet Belt is going to be replaced under warranty, they looked over the rest of the van as well and all seems good with the van. The good thing about that is that it hasn’t half put my mind at ease with the van. There was hardly anything wrong with it, just something to do with some fluid or something, so they can have £70 for that. We have made the decision to drive to Scotland and back tomorrow just to get those papers in. I will go on my own, i don’t want Lisa and the Wee man to be stuck in the car for 9 odd hours, then we have Daisy’s party after which should be good but i don’t half feel poorly.