Diary Entry – 18th August 2023

The first working week has been done. So when i finished work we packed up and set the Sat Nav for a place called Reddange in Luxembourg. It is a country i have not visited before and one that to be fair i know very little about. ALl i know is it is a land locked country in between France, Germany and Belgium.

3 very interesting facts for you about Luxembourg –
1. It is the 2nd richest country in the world.
2. It has the highest minimum wage in Europe
3. Nearly half of Luxembourg’s workforce commutes to it from another country

To be brutally honest i thought Belgium was quite expensive but someone mentioned to me that it was actually considerably more expensive than Belgium. This worries me this, we are trying to be thrifty so it sounds like Luxembourg is the anti christ of thrifty. To counter balance that though, the park up has free electricity but when we arrived there were no sockets that were left free. We didn’t arrive until 22:20 so we just got parked up and got the chocks out, gas on, and got into bed. I had a mad 5 minutes with the Beef as he had woken up as the engines turns off. We rang me Mum as she had had one of her appointments with the MND people. She is doing well all things considered and is still ploughing on regardless

The drive took about 3 hours and to be fair it was an absolute pain in the neck. If you can imagine driving through Milton Keynes for 2 hours, 1 mile round about, 1 mile round about, 1 mile round about, it was a nightmare. We drove most of the way on single track roads so it wasn’t the most efficient drive. I tried to play the ultimate game of chicken with the fuel gage. One of the cheapest places to buy diesel is is Luxembourg, everything else is a rip off but diesel is good. So i was trying to hold off on filling up until we got over the border. We didn’t quite make it as i bottled it about 10 miles away. I put some in at £1.80 a litre but i only put 20 euros in to get me into the ‘Bourg.

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