Diary Entry – 17th April 2022

Look at that face! Isn’t he just adorable. He honestly is such a great baby. He makes me laugh my head off everyday. After Dickie finished work today we took a walk along the seafront along to the Hyatt Regency Hotel for a nice cold beverage. When cocktails are on the menu I always have to try a Mojito. I was sorely disappointed with the Hyatt’s offering. It was very peppery and not sugary at all ☹️

On the way along the front there was the cutest two little puppies. We had a tin of dog food in the bottom of the pram so put that out for them. They didn’t seem to fussed by it and bigger puppies came along and ate it. On the way back there was 2 fellas feeding them raw mince, explains a lot!! It’s good to see them get fed. There was also a couple of water bowls sitting out and they had a wee shelter too. Wish we could bring one back!

The time is flying in. Can’t believe we’ve been here two months already. I need to get more ruthless with my time, and maximise what I’m doing when the beef is asleep. I have so much I want to accomplish this year, this week is going to be about goal setting and planning! ’til the next one xx Lisa

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