The Wee man sounds dreadful this morning, all bunged up and sounds even more like a pig than normal. I had a crap sleep woke up about 2pm and then couldn’t get back to sleep, was a nightmare. We had to be down at Spinney for 12:30 so was not like i could get my head back down. I am not well either which makes things worse, i think i have the dreaded man flu, me Mum had a sore throat on Monday so i probably have that.

We had one of those experiences today that restores your faith in humanity. Me and my partner were having some work done in Spinney so wondered down here for something to eat and a brew, it was -5 outside. In a rush to not be late for Spinney we forgot to pack our babies bottle for his milk, after a fraught couple of minutes one of the people behind the counter offered to take my partner to a shop to buy some bottles. She didn’t have to do this and a prime example of people putting people first, the guy behind the counter was fantastic as well.
The good news is that the base of the swivel seat is done!! The sink is done!! The unit we collected today is fitted and it look fantastic. An all round good job by the guy who Spinney have to do there camper stuff! A top top top guy. And well done and thank you to Spinney also, i do give them a hard time sometimes so credit where it is due. Also, in the most important news, money to be sorted by the 21st December which means that we can enjoy Christmas and well and truly plan then.