Diary Entry – 15th April 2023

Today started off with our usual trip to the bakery for breakfast. Before that though we headed to the pharmacy just a bit along from the bakers for weigh in. Chuffed to say from Mon weigh in to Sat I was down another 1kg, so that’s 3kg in 2 weeks which I’m totally chuffed with. After breakfast we took a wee walk up round the shops and got some juice n bits.

I got half a contact lens stuck in my eye a night or so back. Thankfully I still had the drops I got when we were in Marrakesh so I tried flushing it out but no avail. One of the couples we met onsite had a little suction gizmo, so they swung by our pitch with said gizmo and some magnifying glasses. After a few attempts we think something came out my eye. It wasn’t conclusive but my eye felt good although by this point very red. I put some soothing drops in and overnight let them work. In the morning my eye looked good as new, thank gawd! I was going to bin they drops as well so glad I never!

The rest of the day was spent chilling by the campervan and letting the beef kick around on his back on the floor. We’ve been putting mat down and toys round about him to encourage him to roll. He’s just about there. I can’t wait ’til he’s crawling and standing, not wanting to wish time away but it will be so much fun! ’til the next one, xx Lisa

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