This is day 4 now of feeling really bad. To be honest i feel better in my head than i have done in previous days. I am working 9 until 6 today so hopefully shouldn’t take too long to get through it. I slept literally from 7 o’clock last night until after 7 this morning so i am still no where near myself. To sleep for so long is not like me at all. I do feel a little bit better this morning but just still so groggy and foggy in my head. The body ache does seem to have subsided now thank goodness. Still having really bad cramping though.
The worst thing for me about being ill is not being able to eat i have just not felt like eating at all and for anyone who knows me that is not like me at all. I do like to eat, sometimes too much. To be honest the longer i am ill the more i am thinking that this is food poisoning of some sort. If this was a catchable bug then i think we would all have it now but the fact these guys are still fine makes me think it is not a bug. The thing is though we 99% of the time eat the same thing thing. The only thing we didn’t all eat was a bowl of cashew nuts on Friday night when we were out having some drinks.
So i spent a lot of time researching if you can get food poisoning from nuts. You can get some stuff from nuts but more than likely i think the person handling the nuts had germs on his hands maybe. All i know is that this is the most poorly i can ever remember being. My Mum reminded me that when i was a child i was very ill twice. Once with Glandular fever and once with Salmonella food poisoning, so she said i have been that ill. I am really suffering at night as well with sweating outrageously and then that keeps me awake as i am feeling cold. Just cannot wait to get better