Diary Entry – 13th April 2023

I cannot tell you how chuffed i am!! Having done some fishing in Spain and Portugal and having zero joy/ success i decided to try my hand in Morocco. I had seen small fish in the sea when we were wave jumping so i knew there was bait fish so i knew i was in with a chance. So i had been threatening to get my rod out for a few days now and today was the day after work the tide was just coming in so pottered off down tot he rocks to find out where i was going to have a chuck. Found a spot walked back to get my stuff and away i went.

Must have been my 3rd or 4th cast and i hooked into something, because it was my first fish i was absolutely shaking i was so so so nervous to get it out. I managed to play it for a while and then get it in. I was still shaking like it was my first ever fish, i was so excited and chuffed i threw it back without taking any pictures. There were 2 Moroccan men standing next to me with a huge beach caster rod and a full get up and they were blanking so it must have driven them mad to see me catch with my little LRF rod and little artificial lure and then catch and throw it back in. After a few more casts i caught again, this must have been driving them absolutely wild. They reeled in shortly after and stood behind me, i did think at one point what if they push me in. But as always they were sound wished me well and left me to it.

I think by the end of the few hours i had caught 5 fish, and i cannot tell you how brilliant i felt. Like a champion i walked back to the camper with a swagger in my step and al the English people in our row were asking how i got on. Id then tell them my fisherman’s tale. It was so nice to be out fishing, it is so therapeutic. I spent a while trying to work out what fish it was and later discovered it is a spotted sea bass so i will try and catch some for people at camp to eat them. Knowing my luck i wont catch now as there would be pressure on me. Jokes, i could whittle them out of anywhere. As you can tell how chuffed i am as that is all i am going to talk about today!

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