The Wee man slept until nearly 7am so that is really good, we had a good old chat this morning and he agreed not to be a wee shit today. Which is good of him. He went straight back down after his bottle and we met Gem and Dave up at the cafe and had the buffet breakfast which we have quite a lot. We love it, but it is £4.80 for a pint of Pepsi so i promised next time to have Heineken next time instead.

The ground was ultra icy so Simmo had spoke to the site to see if they could open a side gate and let him out that way instead or around the car park. But they got off easily in the end, wee man had a melt down as he was due to go down. Absolutely not what we agreed by any stretch of the imagination, meltdown for 10 odd minutes then had about a 4 hour nap and then woke had a bottle and a carry on then pretty quickly went back down so as far as days go not too bad, certainly better than the last few.
First day of being jobless tomorrow so going to keep myself busy doing Only Vans stuff and i have promised to go for a walk everyday and be healthy and shower everyday so hopefully now that i have written that down here i am bound by. I will let you know how i get on tomorrow.