Diary Entry – 10th November 2023

I actually got to rest a bit today which is what gardening leave is supposed to be like. I took the Beef on our daily 5 or 6k first thing to allow Mum to get up and get ready without me or the Beef distracting her. We usually set off at about 07:40 once the sun has started to come up and we are usually gone for about an hour. I love this hour and the walk across the promenade is one that i dreamt about whilst we were away and i just couldn’t wait to get back into it. I just find the walk so therapeutic and also it is nice to get that fresh sea air and also get him in the fresh air as well.

Mum has changed her shifts so we only works until 2pm Morocco time so whilst i have been off it has been really nice to be able to spend a bit of time together although the last couple of times that has been in bloody taxis on our way to or from supermarkets but we are only planning on heading to the big supermarkets every other week so hopefully have a bit of respite from them now. One thing i had forgot to mention that we had done last couple of mornings was to pop the diesel heater on to take the chill out of the air.

We had a lovely date night again tonight, like last Friday but this time we went to the Hyatt Regency which is a hotel 3kms away which sells beer, but at extortionate prices. We ended up spending over £100 on beers and a Mojito. A nice night was had by all so you don’t mind it. It is in a lovely surrounding and to be fair you can go out in the UK and spend over £100 in a night between a couple so it is just one of those things. The only downside of us being out here and the lifestyle we chose, if i had to find one thing that was a bit of a pain would be that since the Beef was born we have not had a night off, or a day off. Not that i particularly want anytime lengthy time away but it would be nice to just have an afternoon off with Mum. I’m just not sure how the Beef would react mind.

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