Diary Entry – 10th March 2023

Every time I see those mountains in the distance they just don’t seem real. More like a painting on the inside of a wall. Honestly I cannot describe how absolutely incredible they are. Truly mind blowing. There is not a picture that can do them justice. At all. In any capacity. I think the fact it’s 33 degrees and you can see the snow. Honestly, it’s unreal!

This time last year we were just arriving in Dubai, that’s a fascinating place. I honestly think I’m enjoying Morocco more, it’s just such a mad place, but once you get used to the madness within, you embrace and live it, and I love it! It’s been a nice day weather wise again we have been up for all 3 meals at the all inclusive. Ness made it out as well which was nice to see, trying to break herself in for Gees birthday tomorrow!

The Wee man has enjoyed it today as well as they have a warm swimming pool and his just sat in his little floaty thing and chewed his hand. He hasn’t got the hang of splashing or whatever but he didn’t cry which is always a good start. Also, with his weaning it’s been great having loads of different sorts of foods for him to have there. His favourites are oranges although he does also love strawberry yoghurt and chocolate mousse! “Like his Nanny” my Mum would say. It’s been quite hard I think for those guys not having him there all the time but we FaceTime everyday and for big milestones I will call them for, like when he first had a bit of chocolate, or his first time in the swimming pool. Even my Dad mentioned he hadn’t seen him much.

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