Diary Entry – 10th April 2023

Me today, Lisa! Today was a HOT one. It’s just getting warmer and warmer. I shouldn’t complain. The little enclosure we got made for the van has made a huge difference though, and putting the Outdoor Rev heater on “cool” at 16 takes the edge off in the van. We had a little walk up to the pastry shop in the morning for breakfast, which is always delicious, and cheap! You get 3 pastries, a hot drink and a fresh orange juice for 24 dirhams which works out just under two quid.

After the breakfast I went to the pharmacy so I could weigh in. This is my first week of making a real effort with what I’m eating/exercise. Chuffed to report I lost 2kg which is 4.4lbs. I’m starting to notice a difference in how clothes are fitting. Ness gave me a pair of denim shorts and when I first tried them on I couldn’t get the zip up, now I can although they are not wearable yet. I will use these as my gauge too as we all know how disheartening it can be when the scales don’t move.

The rest of the day was spent pottering around, bit of tidying up and having my usual carry on with the beef before bedtime, he has a right 10 minutes of giggles doing this little piggy and round and round the garden! ’til the next one xx Lisa

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