Diary Entry – 09th October 2023

Felt all Boomtown Rats this morning (I don’t like Mondays) I think it is partly down to the fact that we are due to head north later this week and once i have a trip imminent I just want to get it done and i am already suggesting doing it before work tomorrow starting at 11 or doing it after work tomorrow after I finish at 8pm. Lisa does not see too impressed with it at all but I just want to get it done. We also have the stress/ nerves of the show starting to pop up. I’m not sure that i am nervous really, I think I will get more nervous the closer it gets. Don’t need to be nervous if no one turns up.

I thought i liked this pitch at Cofton but at this time of year with a bit of wind and moving into the autumn time we have been pelted by acorns. I thought we were far enough on for the acorns to have fallen but i was wrong. There’s been a few times when we have been asleep or sitting in the Moho and there has been an almighty bang on the roof and then you realise its acorns. Or on a couple of occasions small branches. For those who know Cofton and down by the fishing lakes there is a massive Oak Tree and we were smack bang underneath it.

The presentation has officially made it over to the relevant people so it is all about putting the meat on the bones now. We have 3 x 30 minute sots, i go through waves of thinking that 30 minutes to fill it with talking seems like ages but then other times i think break it down and i think by the time we have done an intro and a little Q and A at the end it will soon go. Being prepared will be key and i will be spending the next week or so making sure in my mind i have the rough guide of the talk.

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