Diary Entry – 09th April 2023

The morning after the night before…. there has been soe thick heads this morning and some very vague memories of the evening. Most importantly it was a brilliant night, and no one got food poisoning which is also a relief. I was allowed a lie in this morning of which i always threaten to take but never actually seem to take. The thought of one is almost always better than the physical one. I suppose when you are in a relatively confined space and you can hear everything outside be it the Beef or Lisa or Ness and Gee. So i got up at 8 and had 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen and started my usual morning routine. The ridiculous thing now is that we have bought cat food sachets so i now feed a wild cat in a morning.

I thought i would make the bacon this morning and try my hand at bacon flat breads, like they make in McDonalds. The bacon from the French cheese guy is lovely here. I sat by the Cadac and made 3 wraps but i had that thing where i felt sick with hunger but the smell of the food had filled me up. So instead of eating i went to bed to have that lie in after all. I managed to get a good hour under my belt but still felt a bit rubbish. The heat hasn’t been too bad today as there is nothing worse than a bit of a hang over and it being ridiculously hot. I sat outside the camper for another hour or so but then had to go and have another sleep. I am a master at sleeping in the day, i read something about how marines manage to fall asleep in war zone or under cover and the techniques they use i also use and it 100% works.

As we made tea for everyone last night Gee said he would make a curry for us. He is a wizard he made all of the sauce etc by hand after i had been for a shower this morning to try and wake myself up Lisa said to me “you need to try this”. It was honestly the best curry sauce i had tasted. This is what a legend this guy is, as i am a fussy eater he made 2 curry’s. Before he added all of the bits in i don’t like for example mushroom etc he tipped some of the sauce away and essentially made me my own portion! Presented separately, it is honestly the nicest curry i have ever had in my life. Even more so by the fact that it was the first time i had eaten in 24 hours.

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