Diary Entry – 08th April 2023

Today was party day!! We thought we would do it for several reasons really. The first one being it was time for Ness and Gee to come home so we had to go and fetch them from the hotel. Secondly, because there was quite a few English people we though it would be a good opportunity for people to get to know each and have a good old English easter knees up. I will come back to the party later. We had ot get Ness and Gee from the hotel at 11:30 so we were up pretty early getting active and trying to make sure we were on time for them as they get kicked out of the hotel at 12:00. This will be the last time i pack down next time to the supermarket or anything like that i will be getting a taxi. It is just an absolute faff. I am quite a lazy camper and if someone offered to pack down and pack up for 200dh i would bite there hand off so i may as well spend that on a taxi and enjoy my day.

I was so so so so so so so chuffed to get Ness and Gee back. They are good pals. I was so excited to see them and had so much to tell them so i just rattled on for ages non stop not even coming up for air. We went to Uniprix to buy some booze ready for the big doo. It was fantastic in there and cheaper than the Carrefour so i will not be buying booze post Ramadan. They also had a load of decent knock off clothing like Burberry jumpers and Stone Island hoodies so when i get paid i may treat myself. We then rushed back tocamp and started getting everything set back up again like our new sun screen i will take some pictures and show it soon. It cost us £48 and makes such a difference keeping the sun off the camper.

We invited people around about 5pm and we were having pre drinks whilst we were cooking. We were only making kebabs and some chicken legs and wings etc. The food went down a storm but i decided that eating was cheating because i had already had a couple of drinks and i didn’t want the food to take up drink space. Mel next door made some Coleslaw and some potato salad and it turned out be a bit of a boozy doo. Most importantly everyone had a brilliant time and we didn’t get kicked off site. A French man (who wasn’t at the party) dropped his motorbike and had to go to hospital and internal stitches and external stitches. It was so nice to have a bit of fun. We ended up inviting another English couple over as well as she had seen us comment on Facebook and had been following us for a little while. In the end there must have been 12+ folks. I was in bed at 10pm tired and thre party moved a pitch or 2 further down. I bet there will be some rough heads in the morning.

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