Lisa will kill me as I have not mentioned it!! She has been working tirelessly on writing a children’s series of travel books. We had mentioned it a while back on our FB that she was thinking about doing it. Well, we released it on Friday and we are absolutely delighted with the response. We are not quite millionaires but since going on maternity she has probably lost a bit of self confidence and hearing peoples feed back and seeing people reading them to their children or children reading them has given her a whole new lease of life!! You’re probably thinking “How do I get my hands on one?” You can do that through Amazon for just £8.99 here
Here is one that someone bought and sent us the picture….
A busy day today my 7 hours take me from 08:00 until 15:00 Morocco time so still plenty of time for spending time with Lisa and ‘The Beef’. We have been to see Abdullah the on-site sewing guy and he is making us panels for our sun canopy so we can block the sun out. It’s called I believe a safari tent but in the Uk the proper Thule panels are about £800. Abdullah is doing 2 panels for…… 600mad which is £48. We choose the fabric etc I was going try and haggle him down I felt bad. So I stopped and just said 600. I wanted but the Gaffer said we would never need all 3 up!
It is so much cooler this week it’s almost been chilly. Morocco chilly in 17 or 18 not UK chilly 7 or 8. Your body acclimatises so quickly and we are fully engulfed in Moroccos weather now. The UK will be a real culture shock! There is even rumours of rain later this week. Well it supposed to be windy tomorrow, rain on Wednesday then starting to heat up again at the weekend. The flies and mozzies are starting to do my head in, every night I spend about 200 minutes hunting for them. I’m not getting bit but Lisa is getting bitten wildly! Like really bad, blisters and everything. It’s not all bad though because I get to pop them with a safety pin. Ha ha it’s excellent!
Ordered my book today from Amazon.Tell Lisa I am very proud of her xx