White rabbits!! 3 month diary anniversary!! Had a really top top day today. Done the best part of absolutely zilch!! The beef is having real trouble with his teeth so that means he isn’t sleeping great which means we are not sleeping great. We eventually got out of bed at 8am to get a start on the morning chores, kettle on, bottles steriliser etc. To be fair he woke in good spirits but you can tell from the drool alone and the fact he spends 75% of his time with 75% of his fist in his mouth. A German woman and the English couple next door were telling us about an excursion you can do which bss as I Cally sends you to the desert for 2 nights etc so we decided to book onto that. We couldn’t find any info at reception so we asked next door and they agreed to come on the trip with us!! WE HAVE FRIENDS!
Morocco Sunset
The trip needs to be paid for in cash so I said I’d walk the cash point and the couple said they would come as well. Which was Lisa’s call to get her maps out! She just loves a map and s short cut which end up not being right and we end having to do extra steps. Eventually er found the cash point and we spent a lot of time walking through the local village which lie further proof of my integrating into the culture. I tell you what, the amount of people that said hello was unbelievable, hundreds did!! There were a handful of kids that flipped us the bird and said f**k you but Iv had that in Stoke to be fair. I was taken back by how many times people said hello. Literally hundreds.
Cash withdrawn and back to the site, we’ve done 3 full bags of washing. Well, when I say we, I mean the site has. Do washing has been hung all over the sun canopy and our borrowed washing line. Another thing, it’s been hot today, definitely caught the sun!! Probably one of my favourite days in Morocco so far!!