Diary Entry – 27th October 2023

We have only gone and bloody made!! I cannot tell you the emotions i am feeling right now!! I am just buzzing!! We have been planning to come back here for months and when we set off a little under 6 months ago we still had the caravan, camper and all the stuff that ends up in a caravan on a seasonal pitch. We didn’t have a Moho, hadn’t even seen inside our Moho until we got back. We have since done 2 camper van shows, 1 NEC, 1 trip to Scotland, 2 months in the South of France, 1 week in Luxembourg and a week in Belgium. So in theory we have done a hell of a lot in a relatively short time.

We left Mohammedia about 9am and i knew that it was about 6 hours driving including a small stop for diesel, 317 miles. I really suffer with bad trip anxiety so every time the road surface changed and the Moho made a noise i would get palpitations, or if i thought the engine sounded peculiar. This is how bad i suffer from it, i hate stopping at petrol stations because i fear that the engine wont start back up. I don’t know why i get it. I suppose being here and having the 2 most important things to me in it, and all of our worldly possessions in it if anything was to ever go wrongs don’t know how i would cope. The beauty of being here now is i don’t have to worry for about 6 months if the van wont work because it will be stationary for most of it apart from emptying water etc once a week. For trips to the supermarket etc we will just get taxis. They drive you there and wait for you, help you with your bags for about £20 so well worth it.

We parked up on the site, i got to see straight my mate from the barrier who recognised us straight away, the guy from reception and loads of other people recognised us which was nice as well. We parked down by the beach and wanted to walk around to have a look at the pitches to see which one we wanted, we had a list prepared for us of places that were taken up already. Whilst we were walking around we were looking for Boris and we didn’t see him but we did notice a cat food bowl underneath a Moho on our old pitch which did give us some hope.

We managed to get on the pitch we had identified as our preferred pitch when we were here in May so we were chuffed about that. So off i went to start setting up camp. I rolled the awning out to realise id left my pump behind which i was not best pleased about.

So we got most of the stuff set up and made our way back down to the beach to catch the sun set and low and behold out the corner of my eye i spotted this….

There he was, a perfect end to the day!! Just so so so happy to be here!!

You can catch the video we made about our trip here!

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