Diary Entry – 14th October 2023

Yes, that’s me, definitely not drinking again this weekend. I am absolutely shattered today. The only problem is that we are having a bit of a family get together. Me, Lisa, my brother, his wife, my sister, brother in law and my mum and kids obviously but i suppose it is a bit of an opportunity for us to do it. Especially before we leave for probably our longest stretch to date the plan is 6 months but it may be a little less than that. Depends on when the shows start for A and E Leisure and if they will have me for them.

I bloody hope they will have me to be fair i love those shows. It will be nice to see Beef at one that he will properly be able to enjoy and go on the fairs and stuff like that. We went down to the Stoke shop today as it was some retrospective birthday present buying for the Beef so we bought him a zippy and some other bits. Annoyingly there wasn’t any kits unless you were 7 odd years old, now i am all for buying stuff as a bit of an investment of time but that is too much even for me.

We made our famous 1 pot campervan curry. I do keep meaning to film it for Cadac but i always forget and it is never the right time but next time i make it in Morocco you just watch i am going to produce the best Motorhome 1 pot curry you have ever seen. My Mum made a Thai curry. I did try in the end to go the pub to get myself in the mood but i just couldn’t kick start my mojo enough to get me in the party mood. But me and the Beef had a nice moment where he fell asleep on me whilst we were watching the boxing but to be fair i’m not surprised he fell asleep whilst watching it as it was absolutely garbage and to be fair i nearly fell asleep whilst watching it but at least i will be fresh for tomorrow. This is just when the pressure starts to ramp up a little now.

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