Diary Entry – 13th October 2023

Whoop Whoop!! That is it!! That is me done for work now until 30th October. Meaning next time i log on i will be in Morocco!! I am so excited, if it wasn’t for the NEC we would already be there. My boss let me finish at 4pm as it was very very quiet so i finished early. So i logged and headed straight for The Whippet to get my hands on a celebratory beverage or 2 or 3. It was me, my brother and my brother in law and it was nice to have a bit of lads time. As much as i love my wife it is nice for each of us to get a little bit of time away. However i am always glad to get back home!

We got back for about 7 o’clock and just sat in the kitchen watching the Beef get from one end of the sofa to the other and then back. Then stare at the dog for about 5 minutes and making all sorts of funny noises. He just loves dogs! Maybe not this time around but certainly next time we will absolutely bring a dog home with us. All above board obviously through the correct channels. I just look at the relationship my nephew has with his dog and i just think it is the cutest thing in the world.

I had finally managed to chalk the final items off my processed food hit list that i prepared in France. The only things that were missing before today was Oatcakes and Donner meat and i am happy to announce they have been dusted off in one day. Not the same meal as that would be disgusting but in one day. I am now ready for cous cous and tagines until spring time when i will be craving waffles, fish fingers, spaghetti hoops and other child like foods.

I am not drinking tomorrow. I’m too tired for it. I am too old for 2 nights on the trot as well.

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